Burglar Makes Off With $500K in Jewelry From Boro Park Home

By Reuvain Borchardt

A burglar broke into a Boro Park home Wednesday night, stealing half a million dollars worth of jewels.

Boro Park Shomrim tell Hamodia the burglary occurred around 10 p.m. at the home in the vicinity of 58th Street and 20th Avenue, while the father and mother were at a wedding and their children were sleeping.

Surveillance footage shows the burglar prying open a window on ground level and entering the home. He first went to the kitchen and tried opening a locked closet, but was unsuccessful. Then he went upstairs, turning the handle of two bedroom doors where children were sleeping but not entering the rooms — before heading to the master bedroom. 

Once inside the master bedroom, he rummaged through the closet, finding the mother’s jewelry bag and stealing it. He also stole some cash.

According to the homeowner, the jewelry was worth $500,000. 


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