Hezbollah Launches Rockets at Northern Israel

By Yoni Weiss

A protective wall on Road 90, Tel Hai junction, Monday. (Ayal Margolin/FLASH90)

The IDF said that earlier Wednesday , the Hezbollah terrorist organization launched rockets from a military post in the Kfar Hamaam area toward the Har Dov region. In swift response, IAF fighter jets and aircraft targeted Hezbollah terror infrastructure and military posts, including the launching site and the operatives involved.

On Tuesday, the IDF conducted strikes on Hezbollah military structures and terrorist infrastructure in the Blida and Aynata areas.

Additionally, earlier Wednesday, IDF artillery was deployed to neutralize a threat in the Ayta ash Shab area.

IDF troops detected launches originating from Lebanon, crossing into northern Israel.

B’chasdei Shamayim, no injuries were reported in the incidents.

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