Israeli Hostage Negotiators Return From Cairo

People visit Hostage Square in Tel Aviv, March 19. (Miriam Alster/FLASH90)

Israel’s delegation has concluded talks in Cairo on Tuesday following the formulation of a fresh proposal for a hostage exchange, as announced by the Prime Minister’s Office on behalf of the Mossad.

The statement highlights Egypt’s mediation, which resulted in the presentation of an updated proposal to Hamas.

Expressing expectations for more proactive measures from the mediators to push Hamas toward a resolution, the PMO underscores Israel’s anticipation for progress in the negotiations.

The communication, while commending Egypt, subtly suggests the need for increased involvement from Qatar, reflecting Israeli officials’ frustration regarding Qatar’s perceived reluctance to exert pressure on Hamas.

Comprising representatives from Mossad, Shin Bet, and the IDF, the mid-level negotiating team played a pivotal role in the discussions.

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