Weapons Cache Hidden in Beds, Pillows at Shifa Hospital’s Maternity Ward

By Yoni Weiss

Weapons captured by troops of the Nachal Brigade’s reconnaissance unit at the maternity ward of Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital, as seen Sunday. (IDF Spokesman)

The IDF said Sunday that troops of the Nachal Brigade’s reconnaissance unit seized a cache of weapons in Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital’s maternity ward.

The weapons, including mortars, explosive devices, sniper rifles, assault rifles, handguns, and other military equipment, were found hidden inside patient pillows and beds, and in the drop ceilings and walls of the building, according to the IDF.

Some 350 patients and medical staff at Shifa Hospital were evacuated by the IDF to a “designated compound” in another part of the complex, where the military has provided them with humanitarian aid and supplies.

The reconnaissance unit also encountered and killed senior Hamas terrorists Fadi Dweik and Zakaria Najib during a chase and exchange of fire in the ward last week.

During one of the sweeps in the compound, the forces encountered armed terrorists and senior operatives of the Hamas terrorist organization in a stairwell. A pursuit and exchange of fire ensued, during which the senior terrorists were eliminated.

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