23 Arrested for Incitement on Temple Mount

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli security forces guard while Palestinians make their way through the Israeli Qalandia checkpoint to attend Friday prayers of Ramadan in the Al-Aqsa mosque, near Ramallah, on Friday. (Flash90)

Israeli authorities have apprehended 22 Israeli-Arabs and one Palestinian suspected of inciting violence on the Temple Mount over the weekend, according to a statement from the Israel Police on Sunday.

The police reported that several individuals were leading chants that incited and supported terror attacks, with most suspects being in their twenties. Seven of the individuals were detained in their homes later in the day, and further arrests are anticipated.

During the Muslim services, which have seen increased attendance due to Ramadan, the police emphasized that while the majority of attendants remained uninvolved, many served as bystanders who either observed or recorded the events.

Additionally, the police refuted rumors circulating on Palestinian social media alleging casualties resulting from a fallen tree on the Temple Mount, attributed to “occupation excavations.” They clarified that only one person was injured when a tree collapsed due to decay. The police promptly removed the tree, and the incident did not disrupt prayer observance.

In light of the surge in terror attacks during Ramadan, the police have heightened their monitoring of Arab social media platforms for incitement and misinformation. Hamas has been actively promoting violence on the Temple Mount and disseminating rumors online, alleging Israeli intentions to restrict access to the site.

Furthermore, a Palestinian resident of eastern Yerushalayim was arrested last week for sharing inflammatory content and expressing support for Hamas on social media platforms.

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