Harav Tzvi Kushelevsky, Shlita, Elderly Rosh Yeshivas Heichal Hatorah, Welcomes His First Child

By Hamodia Staff

Harav Tzvi Kushelevsky, shlita, holding his b’chor.

The Torah world is rejoicing along with Harav Tzvi Kushelevsky, shlita, and his Rebbetzin as they welcomed their child into this world. The boy, the first child born to Rav Tzvi at the age of 88, was born on Sunday morning in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Yerushalayim.

Rav Tzvi, one of the ziknei roshei yeshiva, had been married to his first cousin, the daughter of Harav Leib Gurowitz, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Gateshead, but they were not zocheh to have children. After his Rebbetzin passed away six years ago, he remarried a woman from America who had two children and was approximately 50 years old at the time.

The simchah of this miraculous birth swept through the yeshiva, and the talmidim greeted their Rebbe this morning with song and dance, singing the words zara chaya vekayama as they escorted him into yeshiva on Sunday.

The bris is scheduled to take place on 7 Adar II.

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