NY State Police, Border Officials Meet with Montreal Askanim

By Matis Glenn

New York State Police and U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers met with askanim from the Monstreal Jewish community Wednesday, to foster communication and provide a valuable exchange of information.

The meeting was organized by askan Berish Freilich.

Community askanim, Mayor Feig, and Joel Gold met with Maj. Brent Davidson of the NYSP, Clinton County Sheriff David Favro, and officials from the USCBP.

“There weren’t any significant get-togethers since Covid,” Mayor Feig, an askan who attended the meeting told Hamodia. “We got to know some of the new people at the border, which is important to continue our goal of cooperation and communication.”

At the meeting, law enforcement officials briefed the askanim on an expected surge in traffic near the border due to a total solar eclipse on April 8 which will be visible in the area. People who plan on traveling to or from Montreal should plan ahead, as the phenomenon is expected to draw throngs of people one day before, during, and after its occurrence.

For their part, the askanim spoke of how to deal with accidents, to make sure that religious travelers’ needs are met, to deal with misunderstandings due to language barriers, and which days they should expect a large amount of travelers, including yamim tovim.

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