Israeli Fighter Jet Downs Syrian Drone in Israeli Airspace

By Yoni Weiss

Smoke rises after an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon, Monday. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

An Israeli Air Force fighter jet intercepted and downed what is presumed to be a drone that breached Israeli airspace from Syria on Tuesday morning, the IDF reported Tuesday. Limited details were provided, leaving the responsible party for the incident unclear.

Against the backdrop of the conflict in the Gaza Strip, a series of drone attacks on Israel, originating from Syria and Iraq and orchestrated by Iran-backed militias, has taken place. This adds to the numerous assaults conducted by Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist organization.

On Monday night, Hezbollah unleashed a barrage of rockets at northern Israel, causing significant damage and power outages in various towns. In response to a deadly cross-border attack by Hezbollah earlier in the day, the Israeli military targeted locations in Lebanon.

Since Oct. 8, forces led by Hezbollah have launched frequent rocket, missile, and drone attacks on Israeli communities and military outposts along the border. The group claims these actions are in solidarity with Gaza during the ongoing conflict.

The border skirmishes have resulted in seven civilian casualties on the Israeli side, along with the deaths of 10 IDF soldiers and reservists. Attacks originating from Syria and Iraq have not caused any injuries.

Hezbollah has reported 232 of its members killed by Israel during the ongoing war, primarily in Lebanon but also some in Syria. In Lebanon, an additional 37 terrorists from other terror groups, a Lebanese soldier, and at least 30 civilians, including three journalists, have lost their lives.

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