Israel Criticizes Renewed EU Funding for UNRWA

Israeli soldiers take position as they enter the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza, Feb. 8. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

The Foreign Ministry has criticized a recent decision by the European Union to reinstate some funding for the U.N. agency aiding Palestinian refugees (UNRWA). This decision comes despite evidence suggesting the involvement of agency employees in the Oct. 7 massacre.

In a statement, the ministry expressed disappointment, stating that the move legitimizes the alleged involvement of UNRWA employees in terrorist activities and collaboration with Hamas.

Furthermore, the statement highlights concerns regarding the EU’s decision to resume funding before the completion of a U.N. investigation into Israel’s accusations of bias within UNRWA. Israel pledges to provide donor countries and U.N. investigators with relevant information in the upcoming weeks.

Israel reaffirms its commitment to delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza and pledges to collaborate with various U.N. agencies and partners to ensure its effective distribution.

Meanwhile, the EU Commission announced on Friday that it would allocate 50 million euros to UNRWA, taking into account actions taken by the U.N. and commitments made by UNRWA. However, an additional 32 million euros will be withheld pending the completion of specified steps, including investigations and a European audit.

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