IDF 98th Division Remains Active in Khan Yunis

An Israeli soldier in the Gaza Strip aims a rifle, Tuesday. (IDF Spokesman)

The IDF’s 98th Division remains active in the Hamad Town residential complex in southern Gaza’s Khan Yunis, the IDF said Tuesday, where numerous terror operatives have been apprehended in the last day.

The division’s Commando Brigade has conducted raids on Hamas sites within the neighborhood, resulting in the seizure of a significant cache of weapons by IDF forces.

During the past day, the army reports that troops facilitated the evacuation of civilians from the area. In the process, soldiers detained multiple Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists attempting to escape among the civilians.

In central Gaza, the Nachal Brigade has engaged and neutralized around 20 gunmen over the last day, employing sniper fire, tank shelling, and airstrikes.

In Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza, the Gaza Division identified a Hamas cell operating a drone while troops were in the vicinity. Subsequently, a fighter jet targeted and eliminated the cell.

Throughout Gaza, the Air Force conducted strikes on more than 50 Hamas targets in the past day. These targets included rocket launch sites, weapon depots, tunnel entrances, and other infrastructure vital to Hamas terror operations.

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