Gantz Faces Hurdles Conveying Gaza Strategy in Washington Talks

Minister Benny Gantz leaves a meeting in the office of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., at the Capitol in Washington, Monday. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz is reportedly facing challenges in conveying Israel’s stance on the ongoing Gaza conflict during his meetings in Washington, according to Channel 12.

The report, which lacks a specific source, suggests that American officials perceive Israel’s explanations regarding its war strategies as insufficient, particularly considering the anticipation that hostilities would conclude by January.

Gantz’s discussions with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris primarily focused on addressing the humanitarian situation in Rafah. The U.S. administration emphasized the need for Israel to intensify aid efforts in the region rather than deploying additional troops, as reported by Channel 12.

The channel states, “The Israeli delegation has encountered difficulties in clarifying Israel’s position regarding the evacuation of civilians in Rafah prior to military operations, facing skepticism from the American side.”

In his meeting with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Gantz affirmed Israel’s commitment to completing its objectives. Additionally, he conveyed Israel’s preference for deterrence over engaging in conflict with Hezbollah, underscoring the importance of U.S. support in supplying arms.

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