Shin Bet Thwarts IS-Inspired Cell Producing 100 Explosive Devices

By Yoni Weiss

Some of the explosive devices seized from a terror cell in Yehudah and Shomron. (Shin Bet)

The Shin Bet revealed Monday that it disrupted the plans of a cell in Yehudah and Shomron inspired by the Islamic State.

The four individuals involved, identified as Murad Marqatan, Hasin Marqatan, Muhammad Marqatan, and Ahmed Marqatan from Tarqumiyah near Chevron, were apprehended last month.

Led by Murad Marqatan, the cell created around 100 explosive devices using online guides and instructions from overseas Islamic State operatives.

Additionally, the group possessed assault rifles and makeshift submachine guns, intending to target IDF troops in Yehudah and Shomron. The police safely detonated the bombs, and the individuals now face serious security charges.

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