Report: Gov’t to Allow Unrestricted Access for Arab Israelis at Temple Mount During Ramadan

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinians make their way through an Israeli checkpoint to attend the last Friday prayers of Ramadan in Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Beit Lechem, April 14, 2023. (Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90)

Mere days ahead of the month of Ramadan, the government is reportedly poised to endorse recommendations from the IDF, police, and Shin Bet that suggest refraining from imposing restrictions on Arab Israelis on the Temple Mount. A Cabinet meeting initially scheduled for Monday, addressing this matter, was postponed due to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s illness, with the gathering now expected to take place Tuesday.

According to Channel 12, security leaders, including IDF Chief Herzi Halevi, Israel Police Chief Kobi Shabtai, and Shin Bet Chief Ronen Bar, unanimously support maintaining current security arrangements. They express concerns that implementing broad restrictions could potentially escalate tensions, particularly in the aftermath of the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

A final decision on this matter is anticipated within the next day or so, Channel 12 reported. Ongoing daily security assessments will continue throughout Ramadan, set to begin next Monday.

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