Islamic Jihad Squad Killed 30 Minutes After Rocket Attack

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinians at the site of a destroyed car after it was hit from an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on March 2. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

The IDF announced on Monday that a Palestinian Islamic Jihad squad in Gaza, responsible for firing rockets at Israel on Motzoei Shabbos, was swiftly eliminated within 30 minutes. The Iran-backed terror group had claimed responsibility for launching rockets at Kibbutz Chatzerim near Be’er Sheva and one rocket at Kibbutz Be’eri.

The Nachal Brigade, as per the IDF, promptly identified the source of the rocket launches and directed an airstrike, successfully eliminating the entire squad within the mentioned time frame. Additionally, the Nachal Brigade, over the past day, eliminated 15 other terrorists using a combination of sniper, tank, and aerial fire.

During a separate encounter, the IDF forces identified a terror squad entering a Hamas military site and directed an airstrike, resulting in the termination of the terrorists.

In the Al Qarara neighborhood of the city, Israeli forces evacuated civilians and apprehended approximately 80 wanted individuals suspected of involvement in terror activities. Among them were several Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists attempting to escape under the cover of the civilian population. The IDF emphasized its commitment to ongoing strikes on terror targets in Al Qarara.

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