Hamas Official Claims Group Doesn’t Know Which Hostages Are Still Alive

By Yoni Weiss

A view of Hostage Square in Tel Aviv, Monday. (Miriam Alster/FLASH90)

In an interview published on Monday, Basim Naim, a member of Hamas’s politburo, told the BBC from Istanbul that the organization has not provided Israel with a list of living hostages captured on Oct. 7.

According to Naim, Hamas doesn’t possess the information needed to compile such a list due to the ongoing Israeli bombardment and blockade, causing difficulties in assessing who is alive or deceased. He emphasizes that the hostages are located in diverse areas with different groups, and a ceasefire is necessary to gather accurate data.

Additionally, Naim reiterates Hamas’s condition for a deal, insisting on an end to the war and a complete withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza.

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