Families of American Hostages Taken by Hamas to Attend State of the Union Address

By Hamodia Staff

President Joe Biden delivers the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress at the U.S. Capitol, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool/File)

The families of American hostages held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza will attend President Biden’s State of the Union address as guests of various members of Congress.

Some 134 people, including eight Americans, are still being held hostage by Hamas terrorists.

In a letter to members of Congress, the families urged legislators and their staff to wear yellow ribbons, a recognized symbol of solidarity, or a dog tag to indicate their firm commitment to securing the release of all hostages.

“Many of us will be in Washington next week for the President’s State of the Union address to continue advocating for the release of our loved ones,” the letter reads in part, “and we ask for your help to keep Americans focused on the mission of bringing them home.

“Enclosed are yellow ribbon pins and dog tags that symbolize support for the hostages still in Hamas’ captivity. We ask that you consider wearing one or both of these during this year’s State of the Union address as a symbol of your commitment to securing the swift and total release of the hostages.”

President Biden’s State of the Union address will take place in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, March 7.

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