Teenager Arrested for Stabbing Jewish Man in Zurich

By Hamodia Staff

A teenager has been arrested on suspicion of stabbing and critically wounding an Orthodox Jewish man on the streets of Zurich, Swiss police said Sunday.

Zurich police said in a statement that they suspect antisemitism as the motive in the stabbing attack that occurred on Motzoei Shabbos.

Police said they received a report of an argument involving several people at 9:35 p.m. According to their initial findings, the perpetrator attacked the 50-year-old man “and critically injured him with a stabbing weapon.”

Police described the perpetrator as a15-year-old Swiss citizen, and said they arrested him at the scene.

The Swiss Organization of Jewish Communities said it was “deeply shocked that a community member fell victim to such an attack.”

“Physical attacks on Jewish people in Switzerland are very rare,” it said. “The Jewish community has been spared from such life-threatening attacks for the past two decades. However, there has been a significant increase in such physical attacks since Oct. 7.”

Across Europe there has been a rise in antisemitic acts since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

By Sunday afternoon, the condition of the victim had improved dramatically, and he is now baruch Hashem in stable condition.

The 15 year terrorist claims he belongs to the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the Palestinian terrorist organization. He reportedly told his family “that as a good Muslim he had to fulfill his obligation to harm Jews.”

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