Report: Netanyahu Tells Israeli Embassy to Shun Gantz on U.S. Visit

By Yoni Weiss

Minister Benny Gantz. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Following Minister Benny Gantz’s unapproved diplomatic visit to Washington, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu instructed the Israeli Embassy in the U.S. to withhold assistance for his scheduled meetings, Yisrael Hayom reported.

Gantz’s office asserts independent handling of the visit concerning the Biden administration, with plans to meet Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. The Prime Minister’s Office, where Gantz serves, denies funding the trip, citing the absence of government approval.

Gantz aims to strengthen the strategic alliance with the U.S., support actions in Gaza, and advocate for a security arrangement in Lebanon during his visit.

Gantz arrived in the U.S. for discussions with American officials, with plans for further talks in London. Despite Gantz claiming to have informed Netanyahu about the trip’s intention for message coordination, Netanyahu’s associates argue the visit violates government procedures.

Likud Minister David Amsalem criticized Gantz on social media, accusing him of violating government regulations and emphasizing the need for emergency unity rather than disruptive actions.

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