Report: Israel, U.S. at Odds Over Sanctioning of Hamas Charities

By Yoni Weiss

Israel and the United States find themselves at odds over the sanctioning of Hamas-affiliated charities, as reported by The Wall Street Journal on Sunday. While both countries collaborate to disrupt Hamas funding channels, the U.S. has refused to impose sanctions on specific organizations identified by Israel. Israel presented a list of “charitable organizations” allegedly operating in support of Hamas, but the U.S. has hesitated, expressing doubts about the true nature of these groups and their humanitarian intentions toward Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Following a joint Israeli-U.S. task force’s formation after the Oct. 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, the collaboration led to sanctions against entities funding Hamas and monetary exchange networks. However, obstacles have arisen, with the U.S. refraining from taking action against organizations accused by Israel of transferring tens of millions of dollars to Gaza during the ongoing conflict, ostensibly for charitable purposes.

A senior U.S. official stated that the U.S. and other allies have already acted against some flagged charitable organizations but emphasized the need for credible evidence. The report also highlighted a potential disagreement regarding the alleged involvement of UNRWA employees in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack. While the U.S. acknowledges some involvement, it disputes the claim that a significant portion of UNRWA relief agency workers are linked to Hamas.

The Wall Street Journal underscored the significance of funds raised by organizations claiming to be charities for Hamas, estimating the group receives around $100 million annually from Iran, alongside income from international investments and donations. The disruption of Hamas’s $600 million annual tax revenue collection by the IDF’s ground operation increased the importance of these charitable funds as a critical funding source for the group.

Brian Nelson, the U.S. Treasury Department’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, warned of online campaigns associated with designated charities soliciting funds under the guise of humanitarianism.

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