Israel Releases New Documents on Yom Kippur War, Unveiling Kissinger’s Diplomacy Role

By Yoni Weiss

A 1973 Yom Kippur War tank that was stolen from the Golan Heights and later returned to its original location, in Tel Saki, Golan Heights, in 2023. (Michael Giladi/Flash90)

Israel on Sunday unveiled additional documentation shedding light on the 1973 Yom Kippur War, with a particular focus on the shuttle diplomacy led by then-U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The State Archives in the Prime Minister’s Office released “The Golda Meir Government and the Negotiations on the Separation of Forces Agreement with Syria, January-May 1974.” This publication comprises around 40 documents, including minutes of Government meetings during the negotiation period. These documents, now available for study, offer insights into disagreements concerning the withdrawal from the Golan Heights beyond the Purple Line — the separation of forces line established after the Six Day War.

The Government’s discussions encompassed the security implications of withdrawing from the Syrian enclave and concerns for the safety of communities on the Golan Heights. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan expressed apprehensions about a potential resumption of hostilities if Israel maintained its current position.

The documents also touch upon the war of attrition in Syria, terrorist infiltrations from Lebanon, exchanges between Golda Meir and Kissinger, and Israel’s response to American pressure. Furthermore, they delve into the intense public atmosphere, the influence of POWs’ and MIAs’ families, and the emergence of a movement opposing a withdrawal from the Golan Heights.

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