IDF Conducts 21 Humanitarian Airdrops in Gaza; U.S. and Jordan Contribute

By Yoni Weiss

Humanitarian aid is dropped by the United States over Gaza City, Gaza Strip, on March 2. (AP Photo/Mohammed Hajjar)

The IDF reported Sunday having “coordinated” 21 humanitarian aid airdrops in Gaza over recent weeks, involving contributions from the United States, Jordan, France, the UAE, and Egypt.

These efforts resulted in the distribution of more than 450 packages containing food and medical aid to Palestinian civilians. The most recent airdrop, conducted on Saturday, was a joint operation by the United States and Jordan.

IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, in an English-language video statement, stated that humanitarian efforts to assist the civilian population in Gaza would persist alongside the broader goals of securing the release of hostages from Hamas and seeking Gaza’s liberation from Hamas control.

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