Hamas Delegation in Cairo for Gaza Ceasefire Talks

By Yoni Weiss

Hamas PA
Senior Hamas leader Khalil al-Hayya. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash 90)

A high-level Hamas delegation, led by Deputy Chief Khalil Al-Hayya, arrived Sunday morning in Cairo to engage in discussions regarding a potential ceasefire in Gaza, according to information from a senior official speaking to Reuters. The talks come amid ongoing tensions and conflicts in the region, raising hopes for a diplomatic resolution to ease the situation.

However, a Palestinian official involved in the truce negotiations told Reuters that a finalized deal is not on the immediate horizon, injecting an element of uncertainty into the prospects for an agreement.

As the Hamas delegation navigates the discussions, an Israeli delegation is expected to join the talks in Cairo. The involvement of both parties signals a diplomatic effort to address the persistent challenges and conflicts in Gaza.

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