Soldiers Map Home of Eli Gas Station Terrorist

By Yoni Weiss

An IDF soldier maps the house of the terrorist who carried out the deadly Eli gas station shooting, overnight Thursday. (IDF Spokesman)

The IDF said on Friday morning that its forces, including engineering units, elite Duvdevan troops, and reserves, carried out an operation in Kalandiya to map the residence of Mohammed Manasreh, the terrorist responsible for Thursday’s fatal shooting at the Eli gas station. During the operation, a gun was found in the terrorist’s house.

Manasreh, identified as a Palestinian Authority police officer, was involved in the attack that claimed the lives of two Jews, Hy”d.

Additionally, in the Menashe Division’s jurisdiction, IDF troops arrested a wanted individual suspected of participating in terrorist activities in the village of Deir Abu Daif. The shooting attack near the settlement of Eli resulted in the deaths of two Israelis. The IDF initially reported the killing of two of the three terrorists, later confirming the neutralization of the third terrorist by security forces, who had sought refuge in a Hummus Eliyahu branch without taking hostages.

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