Netanyahu: Pass Charedi Compromise Law or Elections Will End War

By Hamodia Staff

Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking at a press conference on February 29, 2024. (Nimrod Klikman/POOL)

In a speech given Thursday evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that going to general elections at this time would force the end of the war, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Netanyahu suggested democratic compromise is needed to pass a draft law that could be supported by a majority in the Knesset and would not tear the nation apart.

“Those that demand complete agreement will not achieve any agreement,” said Netanyahu, noting that complete agreement only exists in non-democratic countries.

General elections would cripple government operations, and would paralyze the government’s decisions making on Rafah, Hezbollah, or hostages. In addition, opening the polling stations could distract soldiers.

“This would be deadly gunfire inside our national armored personnel carriers (APC),” said Netanyahu. “It’s forbidden that it happens to us during war and when we’re so close to victory.”

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid accused Netanyahu of trying to conceal the reality of Israel’s situation.

“Another hysterical show of a failed and guilty prime minister,” said Lapid. “Israel will only win if this failed government takes responsibility and resigns.”

Lapid wrote on X that “63,000 Haredi youth are of military service age today. Twelve more infantry brigades for the IDF.

On social media, Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman asked of Netanyahu, “When there is no unity in the war cabinet, how will you lead to unity in the nation?”

He called for an end to all exemptions and deals on mandatory military service. “Every young man and woman who reaches the age of 18, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze and Circassians, will enlist in the army or the civil service,” said Liberman.

Netanyahu said though he was “deeply thankful for the Torah study of our charedi brothers” and “also thankful for the enlistment to civil emergency and rescue organizations that are doing holy work,” nevertheless the draft was needed.

The charedi draft law expired on June 1, but on June 25, the cabinet instructed the Defense Ministry not to draft yeshiva students until it had passed a new law at the end of March.

On Monday, the High Court of Justice held a hearing on petitions concerning the cabinet’s charedi draft policies, and issued a conditional orders demanding the government defend them from nullification.

On Wednesday, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that the ministry would not advance a charedi draft law proposal unless accepted by Benny Gantz and all members of the coalition.

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