2 Jews Killed, Hy”d, in Terror Attack Near Eli

By Yoni Weiss

Security forces at the scene of the attack, Thursday afternoon, near Eli. (Ichud Hatzlaha)

Two Jews were killed, Hy”d, in a terror shooting attack near the community of Eli, Thursday afternoon.

Uria Hartum, Hy”d, (left) and Yitzchak Zeiger, Hy”d. (right)

The victims were identified as Uria Hartum, Hy”d, 16 years old, a resident of Dolev, located 16 miles northwest of Yerushalayin in the Mateh Binyamin Region; and Yitzchak Zeiger, Hy”d, 57 years old, a resident of Psagot who served as a volunteer for the Zaka organization.

At least one terrorist was shot at the scene by security forces, according to first responders.

The attack was at a gas station near Eli, the location of a deadly terror attack last summer, in which four Jews were killed, Hy”d.

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