Identity Thieves Open Verizon Account, Order Phones in Boro Park Man’s Name

By Hamodia Staff

The suspect, seen on surveillance footage waiting for the package to arrive at the home of the victim.

BORO PARK — The NYPD is looking for a man who took a package of cellphones from a Boro Park home after the homeowner’s identity was stolen to open a cellphone account.

On the morning of February 12, a Verizon package was delivered to a Boro Park residence in the vicinity of 40th Street and 15th Avenue. When the homeowner went to pick up the package, a black male approached and told him that the package was sent to him by accident. The black male then took the package, which contained cellphones, and fled the location in a vehicle driven by another person. The victim later discovered that his identity was used to open a Verizon account to order cellphones.

The black male is approximately 5 feet, 7 inches tall and 170 pounds. He has tattoos on both hands.

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