Hamas Weapons Facility Found, More Terrorists Killed in Gaza

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinians at the site of an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on Tuesday. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

Israeli forces continued targeted operations in the Gaza City district of Zeitoun, as reported by the IDF on Tuesday.

In collaboration with the Air Force, ground forces located a Hamas weapons manufacturing facility, rocket launchers, and other military systems, along with a lathe containing a significant amount of equipment, according to the IDF.

Within Zeitoun, Israeli forces eliminated several terrorists inside a tunnel and subsequently destroyed the shaft.

Responding to Hamas’s rocket fire on Monday in central Gaza, the Air Force targeted an operational center from which multiple launches were conducted. Another operational center used by terrorists to fire at troops in the area was also struck.

In separate operations in central Gaza over the past day, ground forces eliminated several terrorists, identified terrorist infrastructure, and seized numerous weapons. The IDF also reported that engineering troops destroyed multiple strategic sites belonging to Hamas.

Additionally, soldiers apprehended several terrorists attempting to flee a combat zone amidst the evacuation of Palestinian civilians.

Targeted raids were conducted to secure areas near Israeli communities adjacent to the Gaza Strip, resulting in the elimination of several Hamas terrorists in close-quarters combat.

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