Early Morning Barrage on Mount Meron Airbase

Smoke rises after rockets fired from Lebanon hit an open area near Meron, Tuesday. (David Cohen/Flash90)

Northern Israel was barraged with dozens of rockets in a Hezbollah attack early Tuesday morning. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that its operatives had launched “large rocket barrages toward Meron Airbase” in response to an Israeli attack airstrike on the city of Baalbek, deep inside Lebanese territory, on Monday. Israel said it targeted an air defense battery whereas Hezbollah claimed a “food storage” facility was attacked. The terrorist group reported that at least two of its people had been killed in the air raid.

Shortly afterwards, Lebanese media reported Israeli strikes in several towns across southern Lebanon, in what appears to be a response to Hezbollah’s rocket barrage on Mount Meron.

The most distant strikes are reported on the outskirts of the village of Baisariyeh, some 30 kilometers from the Israeli border.

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