Report: Sanctions on Settlers Lack Verification From Israeli Authorities

By Yoni Weiss

View of the Shomron. (Sraya Diamant/Flash90)

Recent revelations indicate that the U.S. and U.K. sanctions on residents of Yehudah and Shomron, announced in response to alleged extremist violence, were implemented without thorough checks with Israeli law enforcement. A report by Yisrael Hayom reveals that, of the seven Israelis subjected to sanctions, only one had prior records with Israeli authorities for problematic conduct.

The sanctions, freezing bank accounts and assets and imposing travel bans, were triggered by claims of “high levels of extremist settler violence, forced displacement, and property destruction,” as cited by President Joe Biden in an executive order.

The U.K. also imposed similar sanctions on four Israelis, including one mentioned in the U.S. announcement. Surprisingly, according to Yisrael Hayom, none of the three Israelis sanctioned by Britain were known to Israeli authorities. Notably, France also announced sanctions against 28 Israelis without disclosing their identities. The investigation further exposes that neither the U.S. nor the U.K. conducted preliminary checks or consultations with Israel Police and the Shin Bet before implementing sanctions, despite their established ties.

Contrary to claims of an upsurge in settler violence, data received by Yisrael Hayom indicates a nearly 50% reduction in incidents classified as “extreme violence” in Yehudah and Shomron during the fourth month of the Gaza war. These figures challenge assertions made by the U.S. regarding an alleged surge in settler violence. The authoritative data, accepted by Israel Police, IDF, and Shin Bet, shows a decline in incidents related to popular terrorism, violent friction, attacks, and agricultural sabotage compared to the previous year.

Enforcement operations in Yehudah and Shomron have been notable, with 315 cases opened related to friction incidents between anarchists, Arab residents, and residents of Yehudah and Shomron since the war’s outbreak. Authorities have arrested 17 suspects, with four held pending prosecution and 15 indictments filed. A senior police official emphasized the data-driven approach, stating, “Our actions are based on facts and data, not stories,” highlighting the cooperation between the IDF, Shin Bet, and the police on the ground. The official also noted that provocations by leftists and anarchists could contribute to incidents, challenging the notion that blame lies solely on the settler side.

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