PA Prime Minister Resigns Gov’t Amid Calls for Political Reform

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh. (Flash90)

On Monday, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh formally submitted the resignation of his entire government. Shtayyeh indicated that the decision stems from the recent events surrounding the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The move is seen as a strategic step to pave the way for the establishment of a broad consensus among Palestinians regarding future political arrangements.

Shtayyeh specifically mentioned the need for a comprehensive reevaluation of political structures in the aftermath of Israel’s war against Hamas. The resignation coincides with heightened international efforts to bring an end to the hostilities in Gaza and initiate discussions on a political framework to govern the region post-war. The decision also comes at a time when the United States has increased pressure on Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to instigate reforms within the Palestinian Authority.

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