Israeli Air Force Eliminates Top Hezbollah Commander in Lebanon, Strikes Launch Sites and Compounds

By Hamodia Staff

An IDF aircraft targeted vehicle and eliminated Hassan Hossein Salami, the Hezbollah terrorist responsible for the Hajir region, in a strike in southern Lebanon on Monday. Salami’s rank is equivalent to that of a brigade commander.

Salami was part of Hezbollah’s Nasser Unit and commanded recent terrorist activities by Hezbollah against Israeli civilians and soldiers, including anti-tank missile launches toward Kiryat Shmona and the headquarters of the 769th Brigade.

On Monday morning, an IDF tank struck a Hezbollah military compound in Kfarkela.

In addition, on Monday afternoon, IDF fighter jets struck Hezbollah military compounds in the area of Ayta ash Shab in southern Lebanon.

A short while later, IDF fighter jets struck a launch site in the area of Kawkaba from which dozens of launches were carried out toward the Golan Heights approximately 7:00 p.m. Monday evening.

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