Israel Supreme Court Orders Government to Respond Regarding Charedi Draft

By Hamodia Staff

Supreme court justice Uzi Vogelman at a supreme court hearing on the government’s drafting of charedi yeshiva students for the military, at the Supreme Court in Yerushalayim on February 26, 2024. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The Supreme Court of Israel issued a conditional order Monday evening, February 26, regarding the petitions concerning the drafting of, ordering the state to explain why it will not act to recruit charedi yeshiva students. The state’s answer regarding must be given by March 24, the court ordered, with the state’s answer on the budget for yeshivos to be given by March 31.

The ombudsman, Gali Baharav-Miara, stated her belief that there was no reason to issue a conditional order.

The judges discussed whether the government has the authority to determine by a government decision, and not by a law, that yeshiva students will not enlist?

Attempts to pass a law have not come to fruition in the past few months.

Judge Uzi Vogelman, the Acting President of the Supreme Court, had to insist on order when onlookers cheered during the proceedings.

In response to the claim of the representative of the ombudsman that “the recruiting authorities cannot recruit 60,000 in one day,” Judge Vogelman responded, “Not in one day, (but) the petitioners say start with 1000 a year.”

The ombudsman’s representative further suggested that the draft of charedi yeshiva students cannot be enforced until one year after the expiration of the previous law, which is until July 2024.”

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