10 Kilometer Tunnel From North to South Gaza Discovered

By Hamodia Staff

A 10-kilometer-long network of terror tunnels was discovered by the 162nd Division which connected the north and south of the Gaza Strip. The tunnels pass underneath a hospital in central Gaza and goes to a university in the south of Gaza City, reaching the Zeitoun area.

IDF forces gained operational control over the tunnel shafts, investigated the tunnels and then destroyed a large part of the network.

This tunnel network, which connects the Turkish hospital bordering the central camps to the Israa University building, was used by Hamas terrorists to move between different brigades in the Gaza Strip, including the Central Brigade to the Gaza City Brigade — among them the Nuseirat, Sabra and Zeitoun battalions.

The troops uncovered rooms inside the tunnels which included toilets, storage facilities for weapons and combat equipment. It contained a branching tunnel shaft network, as well as the bodies of terrorists left in the tunnel.

Discovery of this tunnel network is further proof that Hamas spent millions of dollars of money given for its citizens to instead build an underground network of terror tunnels used for its military activities. Many of these tunnels lie beneath schools, hospitals and residences across the Gaza Strip.

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