Report: PA Contemplates Resignation for New Technocratic Government

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh addresses the opening of the 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union at the African Union Headquarters, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Feb. 17. (Reuters/Stringer)

The Palestinian Authority is reportedly on the verge of a significant political shift, as Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh’s government is contemplating resignation within the next two days, according to Sky News Arabic. The unprecedented move aims to pave the way for the establishment of a new technocratic government, with a focus on professionalism and non-partisanship. Sources suggest that this potential change is a response to the need for effective governance in the aftermath of the recent conflict, with Hamas also expressing approval for the formation of a technocratic government.

The proposed technocratic government is expected to prioritize the reconstruction of Gaza and the restoration of security in the region. Notably, it is envisioned as a temporary administration led by professional independents, unaffiliated with any political party, until elections can be held at a later stage. Discussions surrounding this development have been ongoing for some time, with reports indicating that Hamas has signaled its willingness to join the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), contingent on the eventual establishment of a Palestinian state within the 1967 boundaries.

In a broader context, these political maneuvers align with discussions held by the Hamas delegation in Cairo two months ago. The meetings focused on post-war rebuilding efforts in Gaza, including the establishment of Palestinian committees, the potential removal of Mahmoud Abbas from Palestinian politics, and the formation of a government comprising technocrats in the PA. Simultaneously, news sources report that the United States and other Arab states are working on a plan for a Palestinian state, with potential unveiling in the coming weeks, emphasizing efforts toward peace-building between Israelis and Palestinians.

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