Harvard Professor Steps Down From Antisemitism Task Force

By Hamodia Staff

Raffaella Sadun, the Charles E. Wilson Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School who was appointed by Interim Harvard President Alan M. Garber to co-lead the task force on antisemitism at Harvard, has resigned her position on the task force. Her decision was confirmed by statements on Sunday from both Sadun and Garber, the Harvard Crimson reported.

“I am grateful to have had the opportunity to help advance the vital work to combat antisemitism and believe that President Garber has assembled an excellent task force,” Sadun wrote. “I will continue to support efforts to tackle antisemitism at Harvard in any way I can from my faculty position.”

“Professor Sadun has expressed her desire to refocus her efforts on her research, teaching and administrative responsibilities at HBS,” Garber wrote. “Her insights and passion for this work have helped shape the mandate for the task force and how it can best productively advance the important work ahead.”

Garber had appointed Jewish history professor Derek J. Penslar to co-lead the task force, and that decision drew extensive criticism due to his minimizing of the antisemitism experienced by Jewish students at the university as well as comments he made which are widely viewed as anti-Israel.

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