Gov’t Set to Prolong Evacuation of Northern Border Residents Until July

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli reserve soldiers take part in a military drill in the Golan Heights, northern Israel, last week. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

The government is poised to extend the evacuation directive for approximately 60,000 residents in the northern border region, with a likely extension until at least July 7, and possibly further to August, heightening concerns of a potential conflict with Hezbollah, as reported by Yediot on Sunday. Local government leaders have pressed for these two-month extensions, aligning with military recommendations, while diplomatic initiatives seek to avert a full-scale war.

This decision factors in the conclusion of the school year, addressing Education Minister Yoav Kisch’s commitment to minimizing disruptions for children by allowing them to remain in their current schools. However, there has been no official announcement regarding this from the government.

A senior official in the Prime Minister’s Office emphasized the possibility of an earlier return for evacuated residents if security conditions permit. The government will continue to cover their accommodation expenses, either in hotels or temporary residences, until a clearer picture emerges in the coming months.

Security officials acknowledge limitations on launching a military offensive against Hezbollah due to opposition from the United States and France, both working toward a diplomatic resolution to relocate the Iran-backed group away from the Israeli border.

Ongoing border clashes have adhered to a mutually accepted boundary of 6 kilometers from the border, primarily evacuated on the Israeli side. Simultaneously, the IDF has been targeting terror infrastructure in southern Lebanon to deter Hezbollah’s actions and weaken its military capabilities in anticipation of potential hostilities.

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