Gallant Visits and Speaks About Situation in North

By Hamodia Staff

(Ariel Hermoni/IMoD)

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant held an operational situation assessment at the IDF’s Northern Command Headquarters together with senior IDF officials. Gallant was briefed by the Command’s intelligence and operations officers on the latest developments in the arena, as well as on plans and efforts undertaken to push back Hezbollah forces from the border area, which would thwart Hezbollah firing squads and eliminate their capabilities and assets.

The Defense Minister emphasized the importance of accumulating tactical achievements and exacting a significant price from Hezbollah, which will be ongoing until Israel achieves operational control that will change the security situation in the border area. That accomplishment will enable the safe return of northern communities to their homes.

“I have arrived at the Northern Command following a weekend during which the IDF struck Hezbollah,” Gallant said. “I came here to assess how we increase our firepower and prepare to operate against Hezbollah.

“We are striking their [Hezbollah] operatives and commanders. They are looking for replacements [for their operatives], and I can tell you that I don’t see any volunteers — everyone is afraid. We will continue to strike them down.”

He added that if anyone is under the impression that things will be easier for Hezbollah in the north when Israel reaches an agreement with Hamas for the release of the hostages and a temporary ceasefire in Gaza in the south, “they are mistaken. We will continue the fire and we will do so independently from the south, until we achieve our goals.”

Gallant described the goal in the north is to have Hezbollah withdraw to where it should be. “Either via a [diplomatic] agreement, or we will do it by force,” he stated.

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