Education Ministry Issues Purim Costume Guidelines, Discourages Costumes Eliciting Fear

By Aryeh Stern

Children in fancy dress during the kriah of Megillas Esther, in the Belz beis medrash in Yerushalayim, on Purim of last year. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

As Purim approaches, the Education Ministry issued guidelines on Sunday to educational teams regarding the nature of marking the holiday in educational frameworks, in accordance with the security situation and the characteristics of the current period. The ministry advises schools not to allow students to come in costumes that may cause alarm.

The ministry recommends that principals and teachers have discussions with students and parents on how to appropriately celebrate Purim. They are encouraged to promote participation in the joy of Purim in a manner and style that respects and recognizes any concerns or sorrows individuals may have. Additionally, as part of the guidelines, care should be taken to avoid costumes that may evoke fear, panic, or harm.

In the coming days, educational teams will engage in discussions with students about the costumes they intend to choose, aiming to collaboratively decide on costumes that allow for personal expression and creativity without jeopardizing the well-being of those dressing up and their surroundings. Furthermore, students are required to demonstrate sensitivity and personal responsibility in choosing costumes to avoid causing harm to others.

A student arriving at school or kindergarten in a costume that may threaten or instill fear, or affect the emotions of others, will be requested, in coordination with parents, to change the costume. Educational institutions will communicate this information in advance to the parents and students in the school or kindergarten.

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