Boro Park Shomrim Help Corner Car Thief

By Hamodia Staff

A pair of car thieves who stole a vehicle on Motzaei Shabbos, February 17, were spotted Sunday afternoon by a member of Boro Park Shomrim, who notified NYPD and led to the arrest of one suspect.

The vehicle was stolen from the Kensington neighborhood, and when an eagle-eyed member of Shomrim identified the vehicle driving on 16th Avenue, he notified police and his fellow Shomrim volunteers, who began following the stolen car.

The thieves pulled into a car wash located at 61st Street and 17th Avenue, and the thieves were trapped inside. They exited the car and fled on foot, and one was able to escape, while the other entered a lumber yard located at 17th Avenue and 62nd Street.

The suspect climbed to the roof, and police called the Emergency Services Unit, who worked on getting the suspect off the roof. He was placed under arrest when he reached the ground.

A police search is underway for the second suspect who got away.

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