House Speaker Criticizes Biden Administration’s Reversal on Israeli Settlement Policy

By Yoni Weiss

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images/TNS)

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has strongly condemned the Biden administration’s decision to reinstate a longstanding policy that views Israeli settlements as incompatible with international law, reversing a change made by the previous administration. Johnson, a Republican, expresses his disapproval on social media, emphasizing the historical and legal rights of the Jewish people to live in the land of Israel, including in Judea and Samaria.

In his post, Johnson deems the Biden administration’s move a disgrace, particularly as Israel faces threats from multiple fronts and while over 130 hostages are still held by the Hamas in Gaza. He urges the Biden administration to cease undermining Israel and contributing to efforts that delegitimize the country, considering it both misguided and unconscionable.

The Speaker’s criticism follows Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s explanation on Friday, recalling that the policy had been consistent across Republican and Democratic administrations until it was overturned by former President Donald Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in 2019.

Blinken, speaking about the decision, states that new settlements have long been considered counterproductive to achieving lasting peace and are inconsistent with international law. This effectively revokes the “Pompeo doctrine,” which asserted that settlements were not inherently inconsistent with international law.

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