Reservist, 23, Takes Down Terrorist in Fatal Attack Near Maaleh Adumim

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli security forces at the scene of a terror shooting attack near Maaleh Adumim, Thursday. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

In the shooting terror attack near Maaleh Adumim on Thursday morning, a 23-year-old IDF reservist, Chananya Ben Shimon, who had recently completed his service in the Gaza Strip, successfully thwarted an attack by three Palestinian terrorists. Sitting in a car with his mother, Ben Shimon, employed as a tour group security guard, used his employer’s pistol to shoot and kill one of the terrorists. Unfortunately, he sustained wounds to his stomach and leg during the exchange of fire. He is listed in moderate condition at Hadassah Medical Center in Yerushalayim.

The terrorists opened fire on vehicles waiting at a checkpoint near Maaleh Adumim, resulting in one Israeli casualty and eight others wounded. Security personnel at the checkpoint neutralized the second assailant, and the third was shot and injured while attempting to flee.

Matan Elmaliach, Hy”d, 26, from Maaleh Adumim, was tragically killed in the attack.

The terrorists, identified as 31-year-old Kadam Zuahara, his 26-year-old brother Muhammad, and 31-year-old Ahmed Alohash, are from Za’atara near Beit Lechem. Armed with assault rifles, Carlo rifles, and one carrying a grenade, they targeted the checkpoint. Kadam had a previous history of imprisonment for illegal residence in Israel.

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