Report: Egypt Cautions Israel on Rescue Operations in Gaza Amidst Hostage Transfers

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinians at the scene of an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on Thursday. (Atia Mohammed/Flash90)

Egypt has issued a warning to Israel, advising against additional rescue operations in the Gaza Strip, as reported by Lebanese media outlet al-Akhbar on Thursday. According to the report, Egyptian officials conveyed to their Israeli counterparts that opportunities for such operations would be limited, if not entirely absent. The reason cited was the successful transfer of hostages by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists to locations previously unreachable by Israel during past incursions into the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptian officials emphasized the need for Israel to thoroughly assess any potential military offensive into Rafah, cautioning against hasty actions. Expressing concern over what they perceived as a lack of communication from the United States regarding Israeli plans for a southern Gaza city invasion, Egypt reportedly aimed to disrupt IDF invasion plans.

Highlighting the potential risks to the remaining 132 hostages still held in Gaza, the officials urged the IDF to carefully consider the consequences of encroaching into Rafah. The statement indicated Egypt’s determination to prevent actions that could escalate the situation and endanger the lives of those held captive in the conflict.

As the IDF completed its operational takeover of Khan Yunis, sources confirmed that no hostages were found in the area. Throughout most of the war, the IDF had maintained that the majority of Israeli hostages held by Hamas were being held in Khan Yunis.

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