Netanyahu to Alpinist Unit: Our Goal in the North Is to Return the Residents

By Yoni Weiss

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu meets with soldiers from the IDF’s Alpinist Unit, Thursday. (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu met on Thursday with soldiers of the IDF’s Alpinist Unit and the 188th Armored Brigade on Mount Hermon, where he discussed the country’s goals in the north, as the Hezbollah activities on the northern border have caused tens of thousands to evacuate.

He received an overview of the operational activities that have been carried out on Israel’s northern border since the start of the war against Hamas in Gaza before speaking to the units’ soldiers and commanders about their work and the importance of removing the threat posed by Hezbollah.

Congratulating the soldiers, Netanyahu said that Israel is engaged in battle “from Gaza and Rafah to the Hermon.”

“In the north, we have a simple goal — to return the residents to their homes. To bring back the residents, we need to bring back the feeling of security, and to bring back the feeling of security, we need to bring back security, which we will do,” he said.

He stressed that Israel is ready to restore security to the north through any means necessary, and if it cannot be done through diplomacy or politics, it will be done through the use of military force.

“In any case, Hezbollah should understand: we will do our all to restore security. I hope that they receive this message,” he added.

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