1 Jew Killed, 8 Wounded in Terror Attack Near Maaleh Adumim

By Yoni Weiss

Israeli security and rescue forces at the scene of a terror shooting attack on Road 1 near Maaleh Adumim, Thursday. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)

Three Palestinian terrorists opened fire on cars waiting to pass a checkpoint near Maaleh Adumim, north of Yerushalayim, on Thursday morning, resulting in one Jew killed, Hy”d, and eight others wounded.

The victim was identified as Matan Elmaliach, Hy”d, 26, from Maaleh Adumim.

Police Commander Uzi Levy reported that two of the terrorists were shot and killed by police at the scene, while the third fled but was later killed by the police. The eight victims were transported to local hospitals, with two in serious condition, three in moderate condition, and three with light injuries, according to Magen David Adom emergency responders.

The terrorists were identified by the Shin Bet as 31-year-old Kadam Zuahara, his 26-year-old brother Muhammad, and 31-year-old Ahmed Alohash, all from Beit Lechem. They were armed with assault rifles and Carlo rifles, and one of them also had a grenade. Kadam had a previous record of imprisonment for illegal stay in Israel.

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