Police: Palestinian Terrorists Planned to Ram IDF Spokesman in Deadly Ra’anana Attack

By Yoni Weiss

Police at the scene of the terror attack in Ra’anana, Jan. 15. (Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

Two Palestinian terrorists, responsible for a fatal car-ramming incident in Ra’anana last month, initially intended to target a high-ranking officer in the IDF Spokespersons Unit, as revealed by a police investigation on Wednesday.

The probe indicates that before the Jan. 15 attack, one of the terrorists identified the IDF spokesman in Arabic, Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, at a restaurant and later attempted to locate him in the city armed with a knife.

During the assault, Ahmed Zidat, 25, and Mahmoud Zidad, 44, both residents of the southern Shomron town of Bani Naim, commandeered three vehicles and struck pedestrians at multiple locations in the city. The attack resulted in the death of an elderly woman and left at least 17 others wounded.

The two terrorists, who were working illegally in Israel, were apprehended after the incident, and formal charges are expected to be filed against them in the coming days.

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