Gaza Resident, Widowed by Hamas Terrorists, Granted Permanent Resident Status for Saving Soldiers’ Lives

By Hamodia Staff

Israeli Minister of Interior Moshe Arbel with Hamid Abu Arar. (Israeli Ministry of Interior)

A father of nine from the Negev and a former resident of Gaza was awarded a permanent resident status Wednesday for bravely risking his life on Oct. 7 to save the lives of dozens of soldiers after Hamas terrorists murdered his expectant wife.

Hamid Abu Arar was warmly greeted and awarded a permanent residence ID card by Interior Minister Moshe Arbel. Hamid shared his terrifying ordeal with Ynet.

“Fatma, my wife was murdered. I lifted the baby and my hands up and ran to the soldiers,” Hamid said.

“I work in the agriculture industry, and that Saturday my wife drove me to work,” Hamid recalled. “We reached the intersection, and stopped to give the right of way. The terrorists came on motorcycles and started shooting at us. My wife Fatma, who was expecting, was killed on the spot and I was injured in the leg. My seven-month-old baby who was with us in the car was also wounded by shrapnel in the shoulder, and there was another person with us who worked with me and was killed.”

Hamid hid for several hours while holding his infant son. “We called the MDA and the police, but no one was able to reach us. We were told to hide. There was an electrical cabinet there, I took my baby and we hid inside it for five and a half hours. He cried all the time because he was hungry and tired.”

Hamid continued his harrowing story.

“After five and a half hours, Hamas terrorists arrived and stood next to us,” he says. “I heard them planning how to harm the soldiers. Seven minutes later I heard people speaking in Hebrew and approaching us. I looked over and saw the IDF soldiers. I was afraid to die from a shootout between them, but I realized that I had nothing to lose – so I decided to make a move to save the soldiers and our lives.”

“The terrorists started shooting at the army and the soldiers did not know where the shooting was coming from,” he said. “I took off my clothes and went towards the soldiers, with my baby in my hands, and warned them. I told them there were four terrorists there and explained to them where they were. For another hour and a half we waited until they removed us from there.”

Hamid was concerned that he would be deported and forced to leave his children.

“I was constantly afraid that I would be cut off from my children,” he describes. “This is my point of fear. Their mother is dead, will I have to leave them too?”

Arbel approved a request filed for permanent residency. “This day is an important day, when we show the world that we are in the fight against evil and darkness, and our partnership – the sons of Avraham – is strong and fortified,” he said, according to Ynet.

Arbel told Hamid: “The brave action you took, risking your life, just moments after your wife was murdered in cold blood before your eyes. By doing so, you saved the lives of dozens of soldiers…Your actions and your words touched the hearts of all of us.

“The citizens of Israel and the soldiers of the IDF are all grateful to you. The Ministry of the Interior thanks you and declares that you are an inseparable part of the State of Israel. I consider it a privilege to be the one who gives you your identity card. The news that you and your children are an inseparable part of the Israeli identity is good news for the country and all its citizens.”

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