Documents Reveal: Sinwar Anticipated Hezbollah’s Involvement in War

By Yoni Weiss

Smoke rises during an exchange of fire between the IDF and terrorists from the Hezbollah group on the border between Israel and Lebanon, Jan. 6. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

The IDF uncovered documents in Khan Yunis, shedding light on Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s strategic foresight. The documents, disclosed by Yediot, show that Sinwar was confident that Hezbollah would initiate a battlefront in northern Israel concurrently with the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel.

In a document to his associates, Sinwar stated, “We have received a commitment that the axis will take part in the great freedom project, due to the nature of the connection we are working on.” Further documents reveal Sinwar’s claim that he secured a commitment from the Hezbollah terror group to engage in combat against Israel in the north, aligning with Hamas’ operations. Sinwar even envisioned an attempt by Hezbollah to infiltrate Israel and seize control of towns in the Galilee region.

However, Hezbollah was unaware of the precise timing of the Hamas attack. While it did participate in the war and shot missiles at northern Israel, the terror group refrained from executing the large-scale attack that Sinwar had anticipated. Some assessments propose that, despite the surprise factor, Hezbollah was prepared to open a front in northern Israel but opted to gauge the extent of Hamas’ offensive.

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