Crime in NYC Subways Up 22%


STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. (Staten Island Advance, N.Y./TNS)— The New York City subway system has been a focal point of crime for a number of years now. While figures have fluctuated, and law enforcement presence bolstered, crime continues to impact commuters and guests alike. At this time, subway crime is up 22.6% since the onset of 2024, according to NYPD data.

Since the start of 2024, there have been 266 transit crimes reported, compared to 217 in the same time period in 2023, as reported by the NYPD.

The NYPD CompStat system recorded no transit crimes on Staten Island through Feb. 11 in both 2024 and 2023.

Property crime continues to make up the majority of the crime in the subway system, with pickpockets and skilled thieves preying on people distracted by their commute and the bustle of the underground.

In analyzing data from the past number of years, CBS New York Investigates found that since 2022, New Yorkers are reporting almost three times as many felony assaults on the subway than they were 10 years ago, and about 46% more assaults than in 2019, according to CBS News.


Crime has plagued the New York City subway system for years, particularly since the pandemic.

In January of 2023, Gov. Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams touted figures indicating a decrease in subway crime. Numbers seemingly credible to the implementation of additional officers and efforts to connect homeless individuals residing in the system with necessary resources.

While the “Cops, Cameras, and Care” initiative ushered a reduction in transit crime, as previously reported, 2024 subway crime figures look unpromising for straphangers.

Just last week, a shooting left a Bronx subway station in disarray, as one man was killed and five others injured.

Still, despite this elevated level, citywide figures for the seven major crimes are down 2.5% when compared to the same time last year and down 19.5% on Staten Island, as reported by the NYPD.

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