3,200 Wanted Terrorists Arrested Since Gaza War Commenced

By Yoni Weiss

IDF soldiers seen during overnight raids in Yehudah and Shomron, Tuesday night. (IDF Spokesman)

Since the initiation of the war against the Hamas in Gaza, Israeli security forces have arrested around 3,200 wanted terrorists and individuals suspected of supporting terrorism across Yehudah and Shomron and the Jordan Valley region. Of these, over 1,350 are linked to the terrorist organization Hamas.

In the most recent operation, overnight Tuesday units from the IDF, the Shin Bet, and Border Police jointly arrested 40 wanted terrorists in these regions. Notably, a counterterrorism operation in Jenin led by IDF’s special forces Duvdavan and Charuv units, along with Border Police, resulted in the arrest of 14 individuals, the death of three terrorists, and injuries to others. The operation also uncovered weapons and explosives strategically planted under roads to target Israeli forces.

In Chevron, five wanted individuals affiliated with the student cell of Hamas were apprehended. Israeli forces also seized over NIS 10,000 ($2,800) in terrorist funds during these operations.

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