Israeli Officials Investigate Alleged Escape of Sinwar, Reject Elaph’s Report

Yahya Sinwar, head of Hamas in Gaza, delivers a speech during a rally marking “Jerusalem Day,” or Al-Quds Day, in Gaza City, April 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)

Reports from Elaph, a Saudi media outlet with a history of featuring Israeli officials’ contributions and based in London, claim that Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’s leader in Gaza, along with his brother Mohammed and other high-ranking Hamas members, may have fled via tunnels to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

The report, quoting an unnamed “security official,” alleges that Israel suspects hostages may have been taken along with Sinwar. However, no official confirmation of these allegations has emerged.

Separately, Israeli security forces continue to search for Mohammed Deif and Marwan Issa, other senior figures in Hamas’s military wing.

Contrary to the claims made by Elaph, Israeli sources, speaking to Channel 12 and Yediot, deny any knowledge of Sinwar’s alleged escape or the seizure of hostages.

While Elaph has featured articles by senior Israeli officials and information from Israeli sources in the past, their report on this matter is yet to be corroborated by credible sources. Israeli officials have also stressed that they have no information supporting these claims at this time.

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